Sharing God’s love and aloha to international longline fishermen coming to the harbors of Honolulu. Most of them are Filipinos, some Indonesians, Vietnamese, and other Polynesians. They are documented overseas workers but have no US visa. Hence, they cannot come out of the piers. So our ministry reaches out to them by being their ohana away from home. We host dinner fellowships on Tuesdays 7:00 PM at Pier 17 and Fridays 7:00 PM at Pier 36. Medical Team volunteers are available on Tuesdays 7:00 PM at Pier 37 and Fridays 7:00 PM at Piers 17 and 36. We bring them vegetables, work clothes, welcome packs which includes a pillow, blanket, towels, and some toiletries. We also shop for them for special items that they cannot get by themselves. Join us in doing international missions in our backyard!

Three “P”s On How You Can Help:

Pray.. for the crew (and our volunteers).
* Pray for safety / good weather
* Pray for good health
* Pray for a good catch
* Pray to keep the whales, dolphins, and sharks away from their baits and catch
* Pray for their families back home

Play..  volunteer and help us in our dinner fellowships.

Pay.. support us financially.

Distributing vegetables to the seafarers.
Medical Team of volunteer doctors, dentists, and medical students.
Goodies for our seafarers. 
More goodies to give our seafarers.
New missions van (2017 Chevrolet). Thank you to our prayer partners who were touched by God to help with the purchase.
Goodies from our seafarers. Mahi-Mahi, Aku, Ahi, Marlin, Oil Fish, Monchong and Barracuda. Thank you, seafarers.

Distributing beddings donated by church members, volunteers, other individuals, and various Hawaiian hotel partners. 


A Glimpse in a Day of a Seafarer’s Life at sea

Life On A Hawaiian Fresh Seafood Longline Boat

Have you ever wondered where Hawaiian seafood like ahi, mahi mahi, monchong and opah comes from, how it's caught, and who's catching it? As the only wholesale supplier of Hawaiian seafood that that owns and operates its own fleet of fishing boats we're in the unique position of being able to show you. So what's it like out there longline fishing in the waters around Hawaii? How do we find the fish in the vast Pacific? In this episode of Hawaiian Fresh TV, captain Ben and deckboss Glenn of F/V Cumberland Trail talk about long hours, big fish, and what it takes to make a successful fishing trip happen. Ocean to table. Hawaii longline fishery. Sustainable seafood. #hawaiiantuna #poke #sashimi #ahi #commercialfishing

Posted by Hawaiian Fresh Seafood on Tuesday, November 22, 2016

A New VLOG by Guada G in Hawaii about Commercial Fishing in Hawaii which focuses on the Seafarers in our Ministry